#!/bin/bash##**************************************************# Author: AGou-ops *# E-mail: *# Date: 2021-08-10 *# Description: Re-sort picture file *# Copyright 2021 by AGou-ops.All Rights Reserved *#**************************************************set -euo pipefailset -o errexit# -------base_dir=./gifpath_pic=./path_pics.csv
# Create destination Dirscreate_dirs(){ # dirs_name=`tree -dfi "${base_dir}" | grep -v "dire*" | sed "s/gif/output/g" ` # mkdir -pv $dirs_name && echo -e \n\n"success" || echo "\n\nfailed" dirs_name=`awk -F, '{print "./"$1}' "${path_pic}" | sed "s@./ @./output/@g" | uniq` mkdir -pv $dirs_name && echo -e "\033[42;37m CREATE DIRs SUCCESS \033[0m\n\n" || echo -e "\033[41;37m FAILED \033[0m"}create_dirs# Sleep 2 seconds to wait create_dirssleep 1echo -e "\n\n\033[47;30m ============================== TASK START ============================== \033[0m\n"
# Get old filepath and new filepathtree -if "${base_dir}" | egrep '*.gif$|*.png' | tr "." "_" | tr " " "<" | tr "-" ">" > ./old_filepath.txtawk -F, '{print "./"$1"/"$2}' "${path_pic}" | sed "s@./ @./output/@g" | tr "." "_" | tr " " "<" | tr "-" ">" > ./new_filepath.txt
`dos2unix old_filepath.txt``dos2unix new_filepath.txt`
sleep 2# old_filepath=`tree -if "${base_dir}" | egrep '*.gif$|*.png|*.jpg'`# new_filepath=`awk -F, '{print "./"$1"/"$2}' "${path_pic}" | sed "s@./ @./output/@g"`
# Create dict to store filename(key) and filepath(value)declare -A old_path_dictwhile read line; do key=$(basename $line) data=$(dirname $line) old_path_dict[$key]=$datadone < old_filepath.txt
declare -A new_path_dictwhile read line; do key=$(basename $line) data=$(dirname $line) new_path_dict[$key]=$datadone < new_filepath.txt
# Empty file content: > ./match_result.txt: > ./final_result.txt: > ./final_result2.txt: > ./final_result3.txt
for i in $(echo ${!new_path_dict[*]});do # echo "$i : ${new_path_dict[$i]}" for j in $(echo ${!old_path_dict[*]});do if [ "$i" == "$j" ];then echo -e "【MATCHED】 $i\t==\t$j \t\t【${new_path_dict[$i]}\t<==>\t${old_path_dict[$j]}】" >> ./match_result.txt# ---------------- IMPORTANT STEP -------------------- old_absolute_path=`echo -e "${old_path_dict[$j]}/$j" | tr "_" "." | tr "<" " " | tr ">" "-"` new_absolute_path=`echo -e "${new_path_dict[$j]}/$j" | tr "_" "." | tr "<" " " | tr ">" "-"` # test=`echo -e ${old_path_dict[$j]}/\t$j | tr "_" "." | tr "<" " " | tr ">" "-""` test1=`echo -e "${old_path_dict[$j]}/\t$j" | tr "_" "." | tr "<" " " | tr ">" "-"` test2=`echo -e "${new_path_dict[$j]}/\t$j" | tr "_" "." | tr "<" " " | tr ">" "-"` dest_path=`echo -e "${new_path_dict[$j]}/" | tr "_" "." | tr "<" " " | tr ">" "-"` echo -e "$old_absolute_path\t==>\t$new_absolute_path" >> ./final_result.txt echo $test1 >> ./final_result2.txt echo $test2 >> ./final_result3.txt mv --verbose "$old_absolute_path" "$dest_path" && echo -e "\033[42;37m SUCCESS \033[0m" || echo -e "\033[41;37m FAILED \033[0m" fi donedone# test dict# echo "${new_path_dict["进项发票_png"]}"# echo "${old_path_dict["进项发票_png"]}"
# old_filepath_2_dict=``# new_filepath_2_dict=``
# for i in "$all_filepath";do# # path1=`dirname "$i"`# # filename1=`basename "$i"`# # echo -e "$path1\t---\t$filename1"# # break# for j in "$new_filepath";do# filename1=`basename "$i"`# path2=`dirname "$j"`# filename2=`basename "$j"`# # echo -e "$path2\t---\t$filename2"# done# done# get_filename=$(basename $all_filepath)
echo -e "\n\n\033[47;30m ============================== TASK END ============================== \033[0m\n"
# Clean useless files`rm ./new_filepath.txt ./old_filepath.txt`