pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Deploy') { steps { retry(3) { sh './flakey-deploy.sh' } timeout(time: 3, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh './health-check.sh' } // 扩展:如果我们想要重试部署任务 5 次,但是总共花费的时间不能超过 3 分钟。 timeout(time: 3, unit: 'MINUTES') { retry(5) { sh './flakey-deploy.sh' } } } } }}
waitUnit: 等待条件满足,不断重复waitUnit内的代码直到为true,最好和timeout结合使用,避免死循环
timeout(50) { waitUnit { script { def r = sh script: 'curl http://example', returnStatus: true return (r == 0) } }}
stage('debug') { steps { script { if (params.p_deploy_env == 'dev') { echo "deploy to dev" } } }}
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'dingding-robot-token', variable: 'my_dingtalk_token')]) { // 注意:构建记录中只会输出 **** echo "${my_dingtalk_token}"}// 另外可以pipeline { agent any environment { ding_robot_token = credentials('dingding-robot-token') } stages { stage('debug') { steps { sh "printenv" } } } post { success { script { // 输出 **** ,即在console中看不到真实信息 echo "${env.ding_robot_token}" } // 通知钉钉机器人,需要安装dingtalk插件 dingTalk accessToken: "${env.ding_robot_token}", imageUrl: '', jenkinsUrl: '', message: '构建成功', notifyPeople: '' } }}
pipeline { agent none stages { stage ('example build') { steps { echo 'hello world' } } stage ('example deploy') { agent { label 'some-label' } when { beforeAgent true branch 'production' } steps { echo 'deploying' } } }}
// 需要安装 Jenkins docker workflow 插件, 下面的例子展示了: // - 连接远程Docker主机// - 登录私有Docker 仓库(阿里云镜像服务)// - 根据代码中的 Dockerfile 构建镜像并push// - 删除Docker远程主机中构建好的镜像,不占用空间// - 不包含目标主机中部署镜像 其实就说上篇文章中的pipeline版本pipeline { agent any environment { // PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin" _docker_remote_server='tcp://' _aliyun_registry='https://registry.cn-zhangjiakou.aliyuncs.com' } stages { stage('debug') { steps { script { sh "printenv" } } } stage('connect remote docker') { steps { // 注意 代码是先拉到了Jenkins主机上,但是构建镜像在Docker远程 git 'https://github.com/mafeifan/docker-express-demo.git' script { docker.withServer("${env._docker_remote_server}") { // 第一个参数是私有仓库地址,注意要带http(s),第二个参数是账号密码登录凭证,需要提前创建 docker.withRegistry("${env._aliyun_registry}", 'aliyun-docker-registry') { // 使用 ${GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT} 取不到 commint_id // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35554983/git-variables-in-jenkins-workflow-plugin git_commit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse HEAD").trim() echo git_commit def customImage = docker.build("fineyma/node-demo:${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${git_commit}") /* Push the container to the custom Registry */ customImage.push() // 可以优化,用匹配搜索并删除 sh "docker rmi fineyma/node-demo:${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${git_commit}" } } } // clean workspace cleanWs() } } }}